在月台上 On the Platform

在月台上 On the Platform


俄羅斯西伯利亞鐵路 Trans-Siberian Railway, Russia

西伯利亞鐵路經過火車站月台,你會見到有好多唔似有 BB 嘅大嬸推住嬰兒車。佢地改裝變成流動食物車,賣些簡單自家製食物:香腸、煎肉餅、青瓜、蕃茄、雞蛋、紅莓、魚柳包,好平好味好地道,絕對係坐西伯利亞鐵路不能錯過嘅重要環節。

On the platforms along the Trans-Siberian Railway, mature Russian ladies pushing baby trolleys along the train - in fact they are vendors pushing food trolleys which sell home-made food for train travellers: sausages, fried meat patties, pickled small cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, boiled eggs, cups of sweet strawberries and raspberries, and fish finger sandwich, all cheap and tasty. Feeding hungry travellers from near and far, trying out these "platform food" is one Trans-Siberian experience not to be missed.

本地貨幣 Local Currency / 俄羅斯盧布 Russian Ruble (RUB)

最大面額紙幣 The highest currency note / RUB5,000 (~HKD587)

定價 Price / HKD200

( 限量10張・Limited edition of 10 )

Postcard will be sent worldwide via Standard Air Mail
( estimated delivery time: 30 days )
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明信片尺寸 Size of postcard/15 x 10cm
繪畫尺寸 Painted area/~2.4 x 2.4cm
繪畫媒介 Medium/acrylic and colour pencil on paper
明信片紙質 Paper/300gm

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