冰川划艇 Glacier Kayaking

冰川划艇 Glacier Kayaking


美國阿拉斯加 Alaska, USA

第一次划艇就係喺阿拉斯加出海睇冰川,用自己嘅體力划到冰川前食三文治,近距離望到破裂嘅冰山,仲聽到有 DELAY 嘅冰塊跌落海嘅聲,非常難忘。

原來最早嘅 KAYAK 就係喺阿拉斯加出現,呢個 SEA KAYAKING 經歷變得更有意思。

My first ever sea kayaking experience happened in Alaska where we kayak towards Aialik Glacier in Kenai National Park. We brought ourselves in front of the glacier and had a sandwich, when looking on to glacier calving from afar. What a memorable experience!

Fun fact: native Alaskans actually invented kayak. That makes kayaking in Alaska even more special.

本地貨幣 Local Currency / 美元 USD

最大面額紙幣 The highest currency note / USD100 (~HKD776)

定價 Price / HKD200

( 限量10張・Limited edition of 10 )

Postcard will be sent worldwide via Standard Air Mail
( estimated delivery time: 30 days )
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明信片尺寸 Size of postcard/15 x 10cm
繪畫尺寸 Painted area/~2.4 x 2.4cm
繪畫媒介 Medium/acrylic and colour pencil on paper
明信片紙質 Paper/300gm

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